110 easy daily mantras you need in your life

Winner, have you started using daily mantras yet? No? Start NOW!

Because they will definitely change your outlook on life for the better.

I know. I know. You don’t believe in daily mantras. I didn’t use to, either. Well, until I started using them. And they started working for me.

But don’t take my word for it. Why don’t you give daily mantras a try? What would it hurt?

Just pair them with your DIY vision board. And see the positive changes you desire in your life.


What are daily mantras?

Essentially, they’re positive statements about yourself, that you repeat several times on a daily basis, to focus your thoughts and energy on cultivating positivity in your life.

Daily mantras:

  • apply the power of the spoken word to align your life with your identity (as described by your mantras).
  • push you to always act in a manner that’s consistent with your identity by breaking bad habits and building good ones.
  • cause you to triumph in accordance with your identity, irrespective of what happens anywhere in the world.

Daily mantras employ the power of words

And why should you use daily mantras for success?

So you can ALWAYS win at your life. No matter what’s happening around you.

Together with your DIY vision board, you can use daily mantras to remind yourself of who you are.

And that’s especially on those days when you don’t particularly feel like the Winner you are.

Sounds like fluffy talk?

Well, don’t take my word for it. Test it out for yourself with these:

19 daily mantras to build an abundance mindset

#1: I vibrate at the highest frequency

#2: I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me

#3: I get everything I need and want from the universe

#4: I attract only good things into my life

#5: I am abundant

#6: I enjoy every blessing God ever made

#7: I own the whole world and everything in it

#8: My cup overflows and spills over to others

#9: I rise above every need, lack, and want

#10: I enjoy multiplication of my resources

#11: I have enough time to do everything I desire to do

#12: I am happy

#13: I am joyful

#14: I enjoy a rich, exciting, and fulfilling life

#15: I am content with my life

#16: I am enthusiastic to learn more about life

#17: I attract money

#18: I make a lot of money

#19: I make wise and profitable investments with my money

22 daily mantras to build self-confidence and self-worth

#20: I live purposefully every day

#21: I am proud of who I am

#22: I am smart, intelligent and wise

#23: I am a high value man/woman

#24: I can do anything I set my mind to

#25: I turn everything I touch into a success

#26: I am worthy of love

#27: I am fearfully and wonderfully made

#28: I am an indispensable and valuable contribution to my world

#29: I enjoy limitless potentials

#30: I am excellent and have an excellent life

#31: I win at life every day

#32: I am beautiful, inside and out

#33: I am a masterpiece, God’s unique creation

#34: I am kind to myself

#35: I forgive myself

#36: I learn from my mistakes

#37: I give myself second chances

#38: I carve my own path and confidently travel it

#39: I know my place in this world and confidently own it

#40: I am indispensable

#41: I am emotionally intelligent

8 daily mantras for excellent health

#42: I enjoy excellent health in every faculty of my being

#43: My body, spirit and soul are thriving

#44: My body is the incorruptible temple of the Holy Spirt

#45: Every cell in my body is being rejuvenated, repaired and restored

#46: My body is the abode of health and light

#47: I feel younger, stronger, and more agile everyday

#48: I have a healthy relationship with my food

#49: I am well-balanced in my habits

(The National Institutes of Health present scientific evidence of health benefits by practicing mantra meditation.)

15 daily mantras for conquering fear

#50: I possess faith that moves mountains

#51: I am brave and courageous

#52: I am in full control of my life

#53: I turn every problem into an opportunity

#54: My strength is boundless

#55: I am destined to always win

#56: I am a conqueror

#57: I am a champion

#58: I am promoted through every challenge

#59: I run but never get weary

#60: I walk but never faint

#61: I am divinely protected

#62: My steps are ordered by the Lord

#63: I am above death

#64: I see the good in everything

Daily mantras cause you to have your best days

17 daily mantras for healthy relationships

#65: I am a blessing to others

#66: I love and treasure others

#67: I pray for others

#68: I help and encourage others

#69: I build others

#70: I am a role model and I inspire others

#71: I am generous

#72: I am kind and approachable

#73: I forgive others

#74: I am nurturing

#75: I am a source of comfort for others

#76: I inspire others to become the best version of themselves

#77: I attract only the best people into my life

#78: I always look for the good in others

#79: I make everyone I meet feel seen, heard and important

#80: I am a great listener

#81: I am wise and I give others the best advice

9 daily mantras for peace

#82: I am peaceful and calm

#83: I have complete dominion over the world and its systems

#84: I am impregnable to the crises of life

#85: I am here now, in my present moment

#86: I love and enjoy my life as it is

#87: I possess childlike innocence

#88: I am grateful for everything I have

#89: I offer peace to my world

#90: I reconcile others

8 daily mantras for productivity

#91: I am hardworking and tireless

#92: I am efficient

#93: I manage my resources excellently

#94: I am grateful because the work of my hands is multiplied every day

#95: I am organized

#96: I am focused

#97: I complete all my tasks

#98: I produce excellent results in everything I do

12 daily mantras for freedom from depression and anxiety

#99: I am in complete control of my thoughts and emotions

#100: I am always joyful

#101: I make everything work for my good

#102: I have the grace to rise above challenges

#103: I dwell under the comfort and strength of the Lord

#104: My spirit and soul are in perfect health

#105: I have better days ahead of me

#106: I am carefree

#107: I enjoy the benefit of God’s timing

#108: I meditate only on positive things

#109: My yoke is easy and my burdern is light

#110: I am surrounded by love and light

How to build your own daily mantras

Use daily mantras and speak like a Winner

The daily mantras above are not set in stone. You can:

  • use them as individual phrases.
  • use them together.
  • come up with entirely different mantras.

How you set your mantras depends entirely on you. And how you want your words to shape your life.

Important point to note: say your daily mantras with the utmost conviction.

Speak as though everything you say is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. (Yes, even if it doesn’t feel that way, yet.)

Own it in mind until you own it in reality!

So, why don’t you go ahead and try?

Healthline has an excellent post on Mantra meditation including how to do it. So, definitely check it out.


Daily mantras use the power of words to help you cultivate an identity of a ‘master’ of your own life. Causing you to cultivate positivity in every area of your life. You can use the daily mantras on this post. Or come up with your own mantras to steer your life in the direction of your choosing.

I hope this post has been helpful to you.

In that case, please let us know: what do you think of this post?

Congratulations, Winner! Because your life is ALWAYS a win!

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