Grocery shopping hacks

30 grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money

Winner, wouldn’t you like get your hands on some smart grocery shopping hacks that will:

  • maximize your shopping experience,
  • score you quality items,
  • save you TONS of money?

Then you’re in luck. Because I have 30 hacks that will work wonders for you.

And these hacks will work for you, wherever you are in the world.

Groceries are an essential in every household. Duh!

And that means, however tight your budget is, you STILL have to work them in.

But the good news is, you can do that without bursting a nerve.

How? By using these:

30 grocery shopping hacks that save you TONS of money

Hack #1: Get into the right state of mind before shopping

This hack rightfully deserves the first spot on your list of grocery shopping hacks.

Why? Because it determines everything else on this list.

You should never go grocery shopping:

  • on a whim.
  • when you’re stressed and anxious.
  • when you’re too excited (hello pay raise).

On the contrary, only go grocery shopping when you feel calm and relaxed. Because this way, you minimize chances of reckless spending.

Hack #2: Check your pantry first

How often have you bought a grocery item? Only to find an ample stock of it sitting at the back of your pantry?

Or at the bottom of your freezer?

Too often, right?

Well, ransack all of your storage and make sure you’re completely out before you go shopping for a fresh batch.

Checking pantry is one of grocery shopping hacks

Hack #3: Eat before you go grocery shopping

If you go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, chances are, you’ll end up wasting money on way more than enough food.

So eat before you go shopping.

If you suspect you’re going to be out for much longer, pack a snack.

Alternatively, have something ready to eat as long as you get back home.

Hack #4: Set a time limit for your shopping

You don’t have to rush when you grocery shop. On the other hand, don’t be too leisurely because you might end up buying things you don’t need.

You can’t know exactly how much time you’ll need to shop because some factors are just beyond your control.

But you can still estimate a time frame.

Hack #5: Always create a grocery list and stick to it

This is one of your most trusted frugal living tips.

NEVER shop without a grocery list.

And buy only what’s on your list.

Hack #6: Compare prices between stores

Familiarize yourself with the prices of your favorite grocery stores beforehand. Know what’s cheap in one store versus other stores.

And then shop accordingly.

I used to think knowing prices was difficult. But since you tend to do your groceries at least once every month, you end up knowing the prices without even trying.

Hack #7: Be smart about store-hopping

Store-hopping simply refers to going from store to store in search of one with the least prices for the items you want to buy.

Store-hopping between stores with only a small difference in price ONLY makes sense if the stores are within close proximity to each other.

Such that you don’t incur any travelling costs to move from store to store.

The only time to justify such store hopping if your stores are in different locations, is if you were already planning to run other errands in those locations anyway.

But I’d say, shop at the store which saves you the most money. Even if it’s not necessarily cheaper in all of your items.

Because there’s also the time-cost which you tend to overlook. And that’s when store-hopping eats your time away from other valuable activities.

Hack #8: Shop less often

Going in and out of the grocery store several times a month can drain your hard-earned money.

So, instead, commit to shopping not more than twice a month. Once is even better.

For perishables, leave money from your monthly food budget, to buy the perishables a few more times during the month.

And also learn to preserve your food so you can stay out of the store even longer.

Hack #9: Embrace simpler meals

You can still get all the nutrients you need from a few ingredients.

Let me remind you that there’s nothing really healthy about those many condiments (hello mayonnaise).

Have a few staples you swear by.

And then cultivate your creativity to create exciting meals from your few staples.

Who said less means boring?

Hack #10: Buy store brands

You can savor your store brands just as, and even more, than the more expensive brands.

Have you ever tasted a store brand vs ‘original’ brand and thought ‘with this original, I’m paying extra just for the fancy packaging and the name’?

I know I have.

However; never compromise on the quality of your groceries just because you’re trying to save money.

If a store brand tastes like cardboard, then don’t buy it. (Unless you enjoy the taste of cardboard, in which case, bon appetit!)

Hack #11: Be smart about sales

You don’t have to buy an item just because it’s on sale.

A sale will benefit you only if that item is already on your grocery list.

Hack #12: Avoid taking kids shopping with you

Kids tend to want everything colorful in the grocery store. And ironically, everything IS colorful in the grocery store.

And it feels cruel to say no to a child.

So, leave them at home with a babysitter and do your shopping alone.

Hack #13: Buy some marked down items that are about to expire

But buy them only if you know:

  • you’ll use them before they do expire.
  • how to preserve them so that you use them for longer.

But be careful here. You don’t want to put your health at risk in the name of saving money on your groceries.

Hack #14: Check the expiry dates of all of your products

Hack #12 calls for you to always check your expiration dates.

This way, you’ll have the choice to decide which about-to-expire items to buy and which ones to not buy.

Don’t count on the store to check the expiry dates for you.

Hack #15: Know what to buy in bulk & how you’ll store it

In addition to having their expiry dates far off into the future, buy in bulk ONLY those items you use frequently (your staples).

And ensure that your storage is good enough to preserve your food until it’s used up.

Be smart with some grocery shopping hacks

Hack #16: Steer clear of promotions going on at the store

I once bought a vegetable peeler I didn’t need just because it was being promoted at the grocery store.

And the cute salesman was cutting cute shapes of vegetables and fruits using the peeler.

Ya, I know. The four letter word c-u-t-e made me lose my hard-earned money on an impulse buy.

Hack #17: Bring your own shopping bags

Do you happen to have a drawer full of shopping bags that you paid for, but never used again?

I bet you do.

Here’s a great idea: why not take your shopping bags with you on your next grocery shopping trip?

Both your money and the environment will thank you.

Hack #18: NEVER buy pre-packaged mixed salads

Buying their individual parts is much cheaper.

What you’re paying for is the labor. And the cuteness of how they look in the bag. See? cute is dangerous!

Hack #19: Check store prices beforehand

This way, you already know how much money you’ll be spending.

This makes grocery shopping much easier and faster. And saving money all the more possible.

You can check the prices online. Or grab a brochure at the mall next time you’re there.

Because the brochures are usually out some time before month end.

Hack #20: Buy produce that’s in season

In-season produce tends to be cheaper that off-season produce.

It’s also healthier because it’s less loaded with chemicals.

Hack #21: If you’re worried about impulse buying, pay with physical cash

If you’ve familiarized yourself with store prices, you can carry just enough physical cash when you go grocery shopping.

This way, even when you feel the urge to buy on impulse, you’ll have no money to pay for it.

Hack #22: Make sure the packaging on your items is intact

Intact packaging ensures the quality of your items.

And eliminates spillage.

Hack #23: Use your rewards card

A reward card might not save you much per item. But for a collection of items, it will.

So carry yours with you when you go grocery shopping.

Hack #24: Buy cold items last

And that’s just before you go to the checkpoint.

This way, your items will still be intact when you get home.

And you’ll minimize spoilage.

Hack #25: Ask about items that are finished up off shelves

Are you like me, and tend to believe that if an item is exhausted off the shelf, it’s finished up off the store altogether?

But that’s not always the case.

Because there could be more of the same item in the storeroom, yet to be displayed.

So if you planned to buy some, simply ask.

Hack #26: After you pay, check your receipt before you leave the checkpoint

This way, you can quickly spot discrepancies. And alert the cashier.

Hack #27: Make sure all your groceries leave the checkpoint

Double check to make sure ALL your items go into your bags after you pay.

It’s annoying to realize you left an item behind at the store.

Even worse, remembering that you saw it as you left the checkpoint.

I did that with a bottle of much-needed deodorant.

Hack #28: Stay away from processed foods

Avoid processed foods as one of grocery shopping hacks

They’re bad for your wallet and your health.

The best way to avoid buying processed foods is to steer clear of their isles.

Hack #29: Allow security to check your receipt and items

This can seem like an inconvenience. But by ticking off your receipt against the items, security can identify discrepancies you might have missed.

Hack #30: Ask about the return and refund policy

You want a grocery store that offers after sales service. Not one that sells you a damaged item and won’t take it back.

Summary of grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money

Even though groceries are an inevitable part of even a tight budget, you can choose from a wide range of grocery shopping hacks that will give you a positive shopping experience. Score you quality grocery items. And help you save money. Consequently helping you take the stress out of your food budgeting every month.

I hope this post has been helpful to you.

In which case, please share your thoughts with us by commenting:

  • What do you think of our grocery shopping hacks?
  • Which of these hacks do you use on a regular basis? Why?
  • Do you disagree with any hacks on this list? Which ones? And why?
  • Can you share some of your own hacks with us?

Winner, by sharing your feedback, you can inspire another Winner out there to also take advantage of these hacks.

Last but not least, remember that it’s your life. So, there’s no rush. No right or wrong. Only progress.

Also, remember that in everything you do, you’re a Winner. And in everything that happens, your life is always a win!

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