Must have shoes for women

7 must have shoes for women (look great for cheap)

Winner, are you wondering if there’re any must have shoes for women you should know about?

Maybe you’re ready to expand your shoe collection. And you’ve finally created some space for it in your tight budget. But which shoes do you buy with your hard-earned money? Which shoes will give you the most value?

Those are great questions that this post will answer.

But ideally, you want shoes that fit every aspect of your life; be it every day wear, office work, manual work, events, etc.

So, for functionality, of course. But also for aesthetics (I mean, who doesn’t want to dress well on a budget?).

And believe it or not, for your health, too. But take it from the experts. BetterHealth teaches you all about choosing the right shoe.

So, in this post, I’ll give you a list of just 7 shoes you need to have. Yes. Only 7.

Note that I won’t be going into the nitty gritty of exactly which shoe you must have. (For example, instead of talking about ‘Gucci strappy sandals’, I’ll be talking about ‘sandals).

In other words, I’ll be addressing only the categories of shoes you must have. And it’s up to you to decide what specific shoes you acquire within those categories.

Ready? Good. Because here are:

7 must have shoes for women who want to look great on a budget

Must have shoe #1: Sandals

Sandals are must have shoes for women

You have a plethora of them. So, it’s all about your preference.

The great thing about sandals (especially if you pick the right ones), is that they’re generally cheaper than the rest of the shoe categories.

And they can be dressed both up and down. Not to mention, they’re comfortable.

I have to admit, the only sandals I currently own are a pair of black flipflops which I bought for about $3.

And I wear them mostly around the house. But in future as I expand my shoe collection, I’ll definitely add a fancy sandal that’s versatile.

If you’re worried about the cost of sandals, then don’t. Because you don’t need to spend more than $20 to get a durable pair.

And here’s where you can be safe with flamboyant colors. Simply because the strappy-ness of the sandals helps dilute any color, and prevents the sandal from looking too loud.

Must have shoe #2: Flat pumps

Again, here, you have a wide variety. But I find that to get the most value out of your money, you’d better go with a sharp-nosed pair of flat pumps.

Why the sharp nose? Because it just generally looks better on the legs (by elongating the leg) and adds an elegant and expensive look to an otherwise boring and cheap outfit.

Also, when it comes to flat pumps, you want something that goes with most of your clothes.

Nude is usually best for that. Followed by black.

I bought a pair of pale pink flat pumps (when I failed to find black). And then I dyed the pumps to black to go with my entire wardrobe.

I wear my flat pumps on almost a daily basis.

For $30 you can get a pair of flat pumps to last you for years.

Must have shoe #3: Low heel pumps

If you’re looking for an elegant but effortless look, then low heel pumps are your answer. Think 2 inch (about 5cm) maximum.

Because a low heel still looks elegant. But without robbing you of the ability to walk straight and upright like a sober person (not staggering and tripping like some drunk).

Again here, I prefer sharp-nosed low heel pumps just for the expensive element. And of course, because finding nude in our stores here is difficult, I settled for black.

You don’t always have to go for a thin heel though. Other safe options are block heels or wedges.

And how much can you spend on a high quality pair of low heels? At most $40. I’d say more than that will be too expensive.

Must have shoe #4: High heel pumps

High heel pumps are must have shoes for women

How high your heel is will depend on how high you can handle. But no more than 4 inches (about 10 cm).

Don’t go for a 10 inch when you know you can’t walk on it. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with sticking with the lowest high heel.

I’m comfortable in high heels, even up to 4 inches. And I bought a pair for weddings, funerals and parties. For example: I’ll be wearing it to my cousin’s bridal shower early March.

The shiny element of it adds to the polish of the outfit. And of course there’s the sharp-nose element.

If you want a versatile high heel, I’d say either nude or black will work.

I bought my black pair of high heels for almost $40. I’ve seen pairs that go up to $90. I’d say that’s too expensive because you’re essentially paying for the ‘designer’s name.’ But if you feel certain about the quality, and you have the money, then why not?

Remember, just like with low heel pumps, you can always go for block heels, or thin high heels with an elevated platform (I don’t like these), or wedges. The three shoes I just listed are much easier to walk in.

Must have shoe #5: Boots

Winner, boots are definitely one of your must have shoes for women.

Thigh high, knee high, ankle boots, you decide. Personally I don’t like the thigh high boots. And I only go as high as the knee.

Also, both flat-heel and high-heeled boots are OK.

If you choose the right design and color, you can bring an elegant taste to any outfit, even one that involves jeans.

I bought my pair of high-heeled boots sometime in 2013 for $40. (Too cheap, maybe?) But I went for about 2 or 3 years without wearing them. And when I revised them, the leather had begun to peel of.

But frugal and all, I decided to patch the leather back up. And I’m very much enjoying my heels again.

I’m confident that at least $60 will get you a high quality pair you can enjoy for years.

I’d say start with black. And add other colors as you expand your collection.

Must have shoe #6: Sneakers

Sneakers are must have shoes for women

If you play your cards right here and choose the right kind, you can double it up as a gym shoe and a shoe you wear with some of your outfits.

But at the very least, you need to have these shoes for your workouts.

I bought a pair for $40 sometime in 2019. But the heels ended up wearing away after 3 full years of rigorous use.

Because the rest of the shoe was still in pretty good condition, I took my trainers to a cobbler who added new soles.

Now my trainers are as good as new.

So, I’d say for at least $40, you can get a pretty decent pair.

And the color? This is where I prefer white. Because like black, white goes with a lot of other colors. And if you’re going to be wearing your trainers outside of the gym, then white will work best.

Must have shoe #7: Shoes for manual labor

You don’t want to be wearing your sandals or flat pumps, or heels, or boots when you do your work around the house.

Not especially here in my part of the world where our chores are heavily manual and we also have a lot of yard work.

One of the great tips for taking care of your shoes so they last longer, is having a shoe for every area of your life.

And that means having a specific shoe also for manual labor

I bought shoes for my chores for a little over $10. And I wear them every weekend both for my chores inside and outside the house.

I also wear them for social gatherings like wedding, funerals and parties if I’m going to be cooking outside on the open fire as part of a group.

In fact, for my cousin’s wedding that’s coming up end of Mrach 2023, I’ll be wearing these shoes as I’ll be working behind the scenes.

So, for at least $20 (I’ve seen identical shoes cost almost $20 at another store), you can get this type of shoe.

Or any other shoes that fits your manual labor, like rubber boots.

Winner, having the right shoes and enjoying them comes with some responsibility too. Which is why shares these three healthy shoe habits to improve your life. So, do honor that responsibility.

Final word

With just 7 must have shoes for women, you can have a shoe for every occasion in your life without breaking your budget, or compromising on your look or health. And this post helps guide you in your shoe collection.

I hope it has been helpful to you.

In that case, please share your thoughts with us by commenting:

  • What do you think of these must have shoes for women?
  • Which shoes do you currently have within the categories in the post?
  • Do you disagree with any shoes on this list? Which one(s)? And why?
  • Do you have any other must have shoes for women to share with us?

Winner, your feedback can inspire another Winner out there to also pick the right shoes for their wardrobe that lets them look their best without spending all that much money.

Lastly, remember that it’s your journey. So, there’s no rush. No right or wrong. Only progress.

Also, remember that in everything you do, you’re a Winner. And in everything that happens, your life is always a win!

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