
My name is Atang. It’s an easy name and is pronounced just as you see it. But you might get tempted to pronounce the ‘t’ with the tip of your tongue. Don’t. Pronounce it with your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, or else you distort the meaning of the beautiful name. Atang is a native name which blesses. It means ‘be fruitful and multiply.’ And my life has indeed multiplied in many ways, and I’m thankful! But if ‘Atang’ is too troublesome for your tongue, just call me ‘Winner’ because I am one, and I call myself that every day. I’m not your typical blogger. I’m black woman living in a rural village somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, and I am living my best life, and that's positively! I hold one secret for you. And that secret is: You have everything you need right now to access the true wealth of life through living positively. And I’m here to help you every step of the way because I have found that true wealth. This is me bringing to you timeless tips for a positive life, from a different perspective: a less-materialistic and more minimalistic perspective. So stick with me. These tips will work for you, no matter your background, your age, your gender, your race, your financial status, etc. Don't waste one more moment! Start living positively NOW because you deserve the best life!

Make clothes last longer

How to make clothes last longer (20 easy tips)

Winner, would you like to learn how to make clothes last longer? Great! Because in this post, I’m about to share with you 20 easy tips that will ensure your clothes last you years (yes, YEARS!) Now that you’ve built a minimalist wardrobe and are looking forward to dressing well on your tight budget, you …

How to make clothes last longer (20 easy tips) Read More »

Live your purpose

Live your purpose (10 truths you need to know now)

Winner, are you hoping to learn how to live your purpose? Great! You’ve come to the right post. Because in this post, I’m about to share with you 10 incredible truths you need to know in order to begin living your purpose. Even better: these truths are well within your reach. RIGHT NOW! What does …

Live your purpose (10 truths you need to know now) Read More »

Make watermelon juice

How to make watermelon juice at home (10 steps)

Winner, would you like to learn how to make watermelon juice at home? Then keep reading. Because I’m about to share with you a watermelon juice recipe that’s both simple and delicious. Not only that: but it’s easier on both your wallet and health. Because a single batch of this nutritious juice can last you …

How to make watermelon juice at home (10 steps) Read More »

Make soap bar last longer

How to make soap bar last longer (must-know secrets)

Winner, would you like to learn how to make soap bar last longer? Then you’ve come to the right post. Because in this post, I’m about to teach you how to preserve soap by air-drying it. Plus how to make your soap bar last longer once you start using it. How much does your soap …

How to make soap bar last longer (must-know secrets) Read More »

Save money on meat

20 smart ways to save money on meat starting now

Winner, are you hoping to learn a few smart ways to save money on meat? Great! You’ve come to the right post. Because here, I’m about to share with you how I save TONS of money on meat. (Without sacrificing my love for meat, of course!) Is meat a staple in your kitchen? (Because it …

20 smart ways to save money on meat starting now Read More »

Hand wash laundry

How to hand wash laundry (10 easy steps to know)

Winner, do you want to learn how to hand wash laundry? Then you’re in luck. Because in this post I share with you the quickest, most effortless way to ensure your laundry gets from dirty to clean in no time. Whether it’s your clothes. Or your linens. You can definitely get them clean using you …

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Frugal living mistakes to avoid

20 Frugal living mistakes to avoid (starting now)

Winner, are you wondering if perhaps there’re any frugal living mistakes to avoid in your journey? Well, you’ve come to the right post. Because I made this same frugal living mistakes so you wouldn’t have to. But first: QUICK DISCLAIMER! There is no one-size-fits-all frugal lifestyle. What looks like a frugal lifestyle to you might …

20 Frugal living mistakes to avoid (starting now) Read More »

10 best hair tools you need to get immediately

Winner, would you like to get your hands on some of the best hair tools to score beautiful hair WITHOUT breaking your budget? Then stick with this post. Because I’m about to share with you only 10 tools you need to get now. Because you really don’t need any more than that. In fact, these …

10 best hair tools you need to get immediately Read More »

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