
My name is Atang. It’s an easy name and is pronounced just as you see it. But you might get tempted to pronounce the ‘t’ with the tip of your tongue. Don’t. Pronounce it with your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, or else you distort the meaning of the beautiful name. Atang is a native name which blesses. It means ‘be fruitful and multiply.’ And my life has indeed multiplied in many ways, and I’m thankful! But if ‘Atang’ is too troublesome for your tongue, just call me ‘Winner’ because I am one, and I call myself that every day. I’m not your typical blogger. I’m black woman living in a rural village somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, and I am living my best life, and that's positively! I hold one secret for you. And that secret is: You have everything you need right now to access the true wealth of life through living positively. And I’m here to help you every step of the way because I have found that true wealth. This is me bringing to you timeless tips for a positive life, from a different perspective: a less-materialistic and more minimalistic perspective. So stick with me. These tips will work for you, no matter your background, your age, your gender, your race, your financial status, etc. Don't waste one more moment! Start living positively NOW because you deserve the best life!

Coffee sugar scrub

How to make a coffee sugar scrub using 3 ingredients

Winner, would you like to learn how to make a coffee sugar scrub so you can elevate your shower routine? While saving money at the same time? Then you’re reading the right post. Because I’m about to share with you JUST 6 easy steps you need to make your coffee sugar scrub. The best part. …

How to make a coffee sugar scrub using 3 ingredients Read More »

Start a backyard garden

How to start a backyard garden (using very little money)

Winner, would you like to start a backyard garden? If you do, you’re in luck. Because in this post, I share with you exactly how to do it. I’m definitely not an expert at backyard gardening (Disclaimer). But approximately 2 years ago I started a backyard garden. And it’s going strong to this day. The …

How to start a backyard garden (using very little money) Read More »

Clutter-free home

17 easy habits you need to keep a clutter-free home

Winner, are you looking to cultivate some easy habits to keep a clutter-free home? Then you’re in luck. Because I’m about to let you in on 17 habits that work wonders for me. And they’ll most likely work wonders for you too. Here’s why you might want to keep a clutter-free home: Clearing your physical …

17 easy habits you need to keep a clutter-free home Read More »

How to dress well on a budget (best 21 tricks)

Winner, do you want to dress well on a budget? Wait. First, is that even a thing? Dressing well on a budget? The answer is yes! You can definitely dress well on a budget. And I’m about to teach you how. Just know this: it takes some planning. Creativity. And patience as you figure out …

How to dress well on a budget (best 21 tricks) Read More »

Hair care tips

15 hair care tips on a budget (know these now)

Winner, are you looking for some hair care tips on a budget? The kind that save you money AND score you your best hair? Well, I’ve got you. Because I have 15 tips for you. So, keep reading. If you’re like me, hair is very important to you. It’s part of who you are. But …

15 hair care tips on a budget (know these now) Read More »

Shower essentials

7 simple shower essentials you need to have now

Winner, are you looking for a few simple shower essentials to make your shower routine a whole lot easier? Then keep reading. Because in this post, I share with you not many, but ONLY 7! shower essentials that take all the pressure off showering. Bonus point? They won’t bankrupt you! In fact, if you DIY …

7 simple shower essentials you need to have now Read More »

Why you should grow your own food

Why you should grow your own food (15 great reasons)

Winner, are you wondering if there’re any good reasons why you should grow your own food? Because off the top of my head, I can think of a few. And I’m about to share them with you. But first, remember these 130 frugal living tips you need to start NOW? Well, growing your own food …

Why you should grow your own food (15 great reasons) Read More »

Grocery shopping hacks

30 grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money

Winner, wouldn’t you like get your hands on some smart grocery shopping hacks that will: Then you’re in luck. Because I have 30 hacks that will work wonders for you. And these hacks will work for you, wherever you are in the world. Groceries are an essential in every household. Duh! And that means, however …

30 grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money Read More »

110 easy daily mantras you need in your life

Winner, have you started using daily mantras yet? No? Start NOW! Because they will definitely change your outlook on life for the better. I know. I know. You don’t believe in daily mantras. I didn’t use to, either. Well, until I started using them. And they started working for me. But don’t take my word …

110 easy daily mantras you need in your life Read More »

Build a vision board

How to build a vision board (simple with results)

Winner, are you looking to build a vision board? Then you’re reading the right post. Because I’m about to teach you the simplest way of creating a vision board that not only appeals to the eye, but also works! So, What is a vision board and why should you have it? A vision board is …

How to build a vision board (simple with results) Read More »

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