Food and Drinks

Frugal living tips to stretch your Food and Drinks!

Make watermelon juice

How to make watermelon juice at home (10 steps)

Winner, would you like to learn how to make watermelon juice at home? Then keep reading. Because I’m about to share with you a watermelon juice recipe that’s both simple and delicious. Not only that: but it’s easier on both your wallet and health. Because a single batch of this nutritious juice can last you …

How to make watermelon juice at home (10 steps) Read More »

Save money on meat

20 smart ways to save money on meat starting now

Winner, are you hoping to learn a few smart ways to save money on meat? Great! You’ve come to the right post. Because here, I’m about to share with you how I save TONS of money on meat. (Without sacrificing my love for meat, of course!) Is meat a staple in your kitchen? (Because it …

20 smart ways to save money on meat starting now Read More »

Create a grocery list

How to create a grocery list (20 tips you’ll love)

Winner, would you like to learn how to create a grocery list that lets you eat healthy WITHOUT breaking your budget? Then you’re in luck. Because this post will teach you exactly how to do that. You need groceries, of course (unless you’re a vampire and you can survive on blood alone). But they don’t …

How to create a grocery list (20 tips you’ll love) Read More »

Easiest foods to grow at home

30 easiest foods to grow at home (starting now)

Winner, are you looking for some of the easiest foods to grow at home? Then you’re reading the right post. Because I’m about to share with you 30 foods to enrich your diet. While saving you TONS of money at the same time. (Because now you can strike these foods off your grocery list.) Have …

30 easiest foods to grow at home (starting now) Read More »

Start a backyard garden

How to start a backyard garden (using very little money)

Winner, would you like to start a backyard garden? If you do, you’re in luck. Because in this post, I share with you exactly how to do it. I’m definitely not an expert at backyard gardening (Disclaimer). But approximately 2 years ago I started a backyard garden. And it’s going strong to this day. The …

How to start a backyard garden (using very little money) Read More »

Why you should grow your own food

Why you should grow your own food (15 great reasons)

Winner, are you wondering if there’re any good reasons why you should grow your own food? Because off the top of my head, I can think of a few. And I’m about to share them with you. But first, remember these 130 frugal living tips you need to start NOW? Well, growing your own food …

Why you should grow your own food (15 great reasons) Read More »

Grocery shopping hacks

30 grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money

Winner, wouldn’t you like get your hands on some smart grocery shopping hacks that will: Then you’re in luck. Because I have 30 hacks that will work wonders for you. And these hacks will work for you, wherever you are in the world. Groceries are an essential in every household. Duh! And that means, however …

30 grocery shopping hacks that easily save you money Read More »

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