Mindset and Motivation

Frugal living tips for your best Mindset and Motivation!

Live your purpose

Live your purpose (10 truths you need to know now)

Winner, are you hoping to learn how to live your purpose? Great! You’ve come to the right post. Because in this post, I’m about to share with you 10 incredible truths you need to know in order to begin living your purpose. Even better: these truths are well within your reach. RIGHT NOW! What does …

Live your purpose (10 truths you need to know now) Read More »

Frugal living mistakes to avoid

20 Frugal living mistakes to avoid (starting now)

Winner, are you wondering if perhaps there’re any frugal living mistakes to avoid in your journey? Well, you’ve come to the right post. Because I made this same frugal living mistakes so you wouldn’t have to. But first: QUICK DISCLAIMER! There is no one-size-fits-all frugal lifestyle. What looks like a frugal lifestyle to you might …

20 Frugal living mistakes to avoid (starting now) Read More »

110 easy daily mantras you need in your life

Winner, have you started using daily mantras yet? No? Start NOW! Because they will definitely change your outlook on life for the better. I know. I know. You don’t believe in daily mantras. I didn’t use to, either. Well, until I started using them. And they started working for me. But don’t take my word …

110 easy daily mantras you need in your life Read More »

Build a vision board

How to build a vision board (simple with results)

Winner, are you looking to build a vision board? Then you’re reading the right post. Because I’m about to teach you the simplest way of creating a vision board that not only appeals to the eye, but also works! So, What is a vision board and why should you have it? A vision board is …

How to build a vision board (simple with results) Read More »

Build an abundance mindset

How to build an abundance mindset (Know 10 tips)

Winner, would you like to learn how to build an abundance mindset so you can make your frugal lifestyle a success? Good. Because in this post, I’m going to share with you the tips that have worked for me. And will likely work for you too. If you’ve started here, then you’re most probably looking …

How to build an abundance mindset (Know 10 tips) Read More »

Frugal living tips

130 genius frugal living tips you need to start now

Winner, are you looking to learn some simple frugal living tips that’ll help you stretch your tight budget? So then, get ready. Because I’ve compiled a long list of tips that work on even the tightest of budgets. They certainly do work on mine! By the way, start here if you’re interested in starting a …

130 genius frugal living tips you need to start now Read More »

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