Coffee sugar scrub

How to make a coffee sugar scrub using 3 ingredients

Winner, would you like to learn how to make a coffee sugar scrub so you can elevate your shower routine? While saving money at the same time?

Then you’re reading the right post. Because I’m about to share with you JUST 6 easy steps you need to make your coffee sugar scrub.

The best part. You need ONLY 3 ingredients. And for these ingredients, you need not look further than your pantry.

That means you don’t have to spend any extra money from your already tight budget.

Which is exactly why making your own body scrub is one of these 130 genius frugal living tips you need to start now.

So what are these 3 ingredients?

1.Coffee grounds

2.Sugar (either brown or white. I use white)

3.Essential oil

Don’t forget that coffee sugar scrub is one of these 7 simple shower essentials you need to have.

And a scrub can be a bit heavy on your wallet. I’ve actually seen the equivalent of my coffee sugar scrub going for as high as $20 at one of my go-to beauty stores.

But what if you don’t have $20 to shell out?

Don’t worry. You can make your own coffee sugar scrub at home that’s just as good (if not better) that the one at the store.

Yes. Better because you’re in charge of every ingredient that goes into your scrub.

OK then, how do you make a coffee sugar scrub at home?

By following these:

6 easy steps to make a coffee sugar scrub at home

Step 1: Pour coffee grounds into a bowl

Coffee grounds in bowl for coffee sugar scrub

The amount of coffee grounds you use will depend on how much of the scrub you need.

By the way, your scrub can last you up to 3 full months in the refrigerator.

So, if you want to make a large batch up front, you’re good to go.

Step 2: Add sugar to the coffee grounds

Add sugar to bowl for coffee sugar scrub

You can use either white or brown sugar.

I use white sugar because that’s the one we use at home.

Again, with the sugar, it will depend on the size of your scrub.

Also, how much sugar you use in proportion to the coffee grounds will affect the texture of your scrub.

Too much sugar will make a coarse texture. And less sugar will make a smoother texture.

Step 3: Mix the coffee ground and sugar together using a spoon

Mix them until they are well blended.

You don’t want to miss this step because you want to make sure that your ingredients are evenly distributed within the scrub.

Because if you don’t mix the coffee grounds and sugar together evenly, they’ll remain separated in your final product.

Step 4: Add your essential oil to the bowl

Add oil to make coffee sugar scrub

You want to add enough oil to achieve your desired consistency.

And to achieve that, I would advise to add the oil gradually as you mix the contents of the bowl.

Too little oil will result in a rather crumby consistency.

And too much oil will give you a runny consistency.

I would advise you to go for something in between the two above consistencies.

Which essential oil should you use for your coffee sugar scrub?

Any essential oil. It depends on your taste.

And availability of course.

Can you use a mixture of essential oils in your coffee sugar scrub?

Absolutely! If you’re left with just a drop each of your favorite oils, then you can empty all your bottles into your scrub.

But what if you don’t have any essential oils?

You can use glycerin.

In my part of the world, glycerin is a popular household product.

Because we mix it with our body lotion. Or body cream. Before we apply the mixture to our bodies.

And that mixture makes our skins glow.

So, we almost always have glycerin in our houses.

I didn’t have any essential oils (except for a borrowed bottle of eucalyptus oil that I couldn’t just dump into my scrub).

So, I used my glycerin instead.

And let me tell you: the glycerin works just as magically.

Step 5: Mix all the ingredients together

Mix them together until you get your desired consistency.

Avoid any clumps at all costs.

As you mix, test your sugar scrub against a small patch of you skin to make sure it’s what you’re looking for.

Keep adding the essential oil and mixing. And testing the batch until you’re satisfied.

Step 6: Use your body scrub/store in the refrigerator for later use

You can make your scrub long before your showers.

Or actually make a large batch at one go and scoop out from there for your showers.

But in between uses, you want to keep your scrub in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness.

Winner, the whole point of this exercise is to actually use your coffees scrub.

What’s the use of making your scrub, if you end up not using it?

Remember I borrowed some eucalyptus oil? I only added ONE drop after making my coffee sugar scrub. Here’s a picture:

My review of the coffee sugar scrub

I used this scrub 2 days ago on a Sunday afternoon. Which inspired the timing of this post. Because I wanted to write it with the use of the scrub still fresh both on my body and my mind.

So, following the order I spoke about in the post 7 simple shower essentials, I used my scrub after:

exfoliating my body with a pumice stone, using a loofah, then a wash cloth and soap, and of course shaving.

So, the scrub was the last step.

Here’s something I found out: the key to making the most of your scrub is to make it more into a runny and fine consistency than a thick and coarse consistency.

And that’s mainly for 2 reasons.

1st reason: the runny and fine consistency makes the scrub suitable for even the fine skin on your face.

2nd reason: this consistency helps you make the maximum use of your scrub without losing it to your shower floor.

So, how does my skin feel after using the coffee sugar scrub?

Smooth as a day old baby’s.

I used the scrub on my face, body, hands, and feet.

Because the skin on the face is sensitive, I only used light circular sweeps. Went a bit harder on my body. And hardest on the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands.

And then I rinsed with water and a bit of soap to get rid of the brown coffee color and the stickiness of the oil.

My skin felt amazing afterwards.

And still does (on a Tuesday morning).

But is it just me? No, coffee has been proven to benefit the skin in several ways.

In fact, Healthline best answers the question: does coffee have any benefits for your skin?

How often should you use your coffee sugar scrub?

Some do it twice a week. Some do it once. Either is OK.

But I’d say no more than that because that would be too much for your skin.

I use mine only once per week.

And I’m impressed with the results.

Using the scrub scrub, just like any other habit you’ve cultivated into your life lately, should be used consistently for better results.

Final word

You can elevate your shower routine with a simple coffee sugar body scrub that uses only 3 ingredients: coffee grounds, sugar, and an essential oil. And learning to make this scrub at home using the simple steps in this post can save you a whopping $20.

I hope this post has been helpful to you.

In that case, please share your feedback by commenting:

  • Do you also use the coffee sugar scrub? How’s it working out for you, so far?
  • If you don’t use the coffee sugar scrub, then which scrub do you use?
  • Do you buy your scrub or you DIY it?
  • If you DIY your scrub, can you share your steps?
  • Do you have anything else to add to this post?

Winner, your feedback can inspire another Winner out there to also make their own coffee sugar scrub at home so they can elevate their shower routines while saving tons of money at the same time.

Last but not least, remember that it’s your journey. So, there’s no rush. No right or wrong. Only progress.

Also, remember that in everything you do, you’re a Winner. And in everything that happens, your life is always a win!

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