Aloe vera body lotion

How to make aloe vera body lotion (quick recipe)

Winner, would you like to learn how to make your own aloe vera body lotion?

Then you’re in luck. Because I’m about to share with you a quick and easy recipe that I use.

And here’s more great news: you don’t have to spend a ton of money on expensive, hard-to-reach ingredients.

Because this recipe uses…well…aloe vera. And whatever body lotion and essential oil(s) you already have.

Why do you need aloe vera body lotion?

So you can tap into the skin benefits of aloe vera.

But don’t take my word for it. Hear what the experts have to say.

Check out these benefits of aloe vera for the face by Medical News Today.

And Mindbodygreen has these 9 benefits of using aloe vera for skin care & more.

And guess what? Planting aloe vera is one of the easiest things in the world.

Bonus: your plant will thrive even in the middle of the driest desert.

Having said that, don’t stress if you’re not a DIY kind of person. Because Amazon has aloe vera lotions you can buy for less that $10. (You can even spend upward of $20 if you want a lotion that will last you for a long time).

Ingredients for homemade aloe vera body lotion

  • Aloe vera cubes
  • Body lotion
  • Essential oil(s)

Tools for homemade aloe vera body lotion

  • Knife
  • Chopping board
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
  • Sealable container

9 steps to make aloe vera body lotion

Step 1: Cut aloe vera into small cubes

Cut aloe vera into cubes for aloe vera body lotion

I have an aloe vera plant in my backyard.

And besides aloe vera lotion, I use this plant to make aloe vera juice for hair, aloe vera juice for drinking, aloe vera hair food, aloe vera hair mask, aloe vera face mask, just to name a few.

See how versatile aloe vera is?

If your aloe vera leaf is prickly (like the species we have here), then you can use a fork to handle it.

Step 2: Peel the aloe vera cubes

By peeling the cubes, you want your aloe vera to have as much contact with your lotion as possible.

Plus, if you’re going to be leaving the cubes inside the lotion for as long as you’re using the lotion, then you want to be able to reach into your lotion container without incurring injuries (if your aloe vera is prickly)

Step 3: Add lotion to a mixing bowl

You can choose to use your lotion container to mix your ingredients.

But if the container is not suitable for that (maybe it has a bottleneck), then you’d be better off using a mixing bowl.

How much lotion you add to your bowl will depend on how much aloe vera lotion you want to make.

I make lotion to last me an entire month. I suggest you do the same. Just so you’re sure about the freshness of your lotion with each batch.

Step 4: Add essential oil

Add essential oil to make aloe vera body lotion

You can use an essential oil of your choosing. Or even better, a mixture of essential oils.

Adding essential oil helps you lock the moisture of your body lotion into your skin. And that’s especially in the colder, drier months. And especially for drier skin.

Here’s an important trick if you don’t have any essential oil: use glycerin!

It’s already an essential (no pun intended) across many beauty products.

And it works just as well as the essential oil.

If you have both glycerin and essential oil and want to stretch their usage, then mix the glycerin and essential oil.

How much essential oil should you add to make aloe vera body lotion?

It depends on the consistency you want for your body lotion.

The thicker the consistency, the less essential oil you’ll use.

And the thinner the consistency, the more essential oil you’ll use.

In the colder, drier months, I prefer to use a thinner consistency because then it means more oil on my skin. And hence, my skin retains most of its mosture.

But in the hotter, more humid months, I use the thicker consistency, just so I don’t have to contend with greasy skin all day long.

Step 5: Add aloe vera cubes to mixture

The amount of aloe vera you use for your lotion will depend on how much lotion you’re working with.

And/or how potent you want your aloe vera lotion to be.

Ideally(as with the aloe vera I use), you don’t want your aloe vera juice to overpower your other ingredients and cause your lotion to be too watery.

Step 6: Mix all the ingredients together

Mix ingredients for aloe vera body lotion

Using a spoon (if you’re fancy, of course. Because believe it or not, I use a sturdy stick), mix the aloe vera cubes into your lotion, making sure that each cube is sufficiently coated with the lotion.

And this way, as much of the aloe vera juice is released into the lotion as possible.

Step 7: Transfer the mixture to a sealable container

This is the container out of which you’ll be applying your aloe vera body lotion to your body every day.

You need something with a seal so you can protect your body lotion from outside contaminants.

Watch as your body lotion changes color as the aloe vera juice gets worked into it.

My white body lotion ends up a purple shade.

Step 8: Seal the container

Seal container for aloe vera body lotion

You want to seal the container so that you keep all contaminants out.

Only unseal it when you apply your aloe vera lotion.

Step 9: Use your aloe vera body lotion

You can leave the aloe vera cubes for as long as you use your lotion. Which I recommended above to preferably to not be be at most a month.

So that every month you make a fresh batch.

Or you can sieve out the aloe vera cubes from the mixture and discard them so you’re left with only the lotion.

Either way, congratulations, Winner! You’ve just made your own aloe vera body lotion.

How to apply aloe vera body lotion

Applying lotion to the face

Scoop out from the container a pea-sized amount of lotion. Rub it between the palms of your hands to warm it up a bit. And then gently rub onto your face using circular motions. Until it’s both evenly distributed and absorbed by the skin.

Applying lotion to the body

Apply the body lotion in the following sections:

Section 1:Arms

Section 2: Upper body

Section 3: Waist and below.

for each section, scoop out a generous amount of lotion.

Rub it between the palms of your hands to warm it up.

And then using circular motions, run the lotion onto your skin until it’s evenly distributed and there’s no white residue.

Final thoughts

You can make your own aloe vera body lotion to tap in to the skin benefits of aloe vera without using any money at all. And the best way to do that is by using a quick and simple recipe that uses aloe vera and the body lotion and essential oil(s) you already have in your house. The easy steps in this post will help you make your own aloe vera lotion.

I hope this post has been helpful to you. In that case, please share your feedback by commenting:

  • What do you think of this recipe?
  • Have you every tried using this recipe? How did it work out for you?
  • Do you use aloe vera in any of your skin products? Which ones? And how is that working out for you?
  • What’s your own recipe for homemade body lotion?

Winner, your feedback can inspire another Winner out there to also make their own body lotion that works well for both their skin and budget.

Last but not least, remember that it’s your journey. So, there’s no rush. No right or wrong. Only progress.

Also, remember that in everything you do, you’re a Winner. And in everything that happens, your life is always a win!

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